politics politics

Politics Do you pray for our leaders?

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.

Can we in America expect God's blessing when too many of our leaders are anti-life, anti-God's standards for sexuality, and anti-faith?

We need to be on our faces before God in repentance. We need to not assume the media is truthful in what they say or write and look for truth beyond a media more interested in headlines and causing division and conflict than in dealing in truth. Don’t let media dictate attitude.

Instead, wherever we stand, we need to be in constant prayer for our President/leaders that they will truly seek to know the truth and will listen to wise, Godly counsel. Prayer is the key.

Scripture tells us to pray for our leaders. Do we?

(c) 2016, 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Expanded version of devotion in First I Bow
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Blog Bio Before the KSC/UNK campus was accessible

Recently my oldest grandson and I exchanged emails. I asked him if he would be able to attend his college courses in person this fall or still have to attend online. He answered that he would be able to physically attend classes, but he preferred online.

I told him I hadn’t had such choices which led to some interesting stories. He wanted to hear them and that got me remembering. Back in the early 1970s, my parents were looking for a college for me to attend. At the time, my father had no church so we were free to move to any place with a suitable college, one with a journalistic program and one where I could get around on campus. (I had one year at a community college all on flat ground.)

Getting around to classes was no small thing as I was in a wheelchair I couldn’t even wheel myself, though I could peddle a bit with my feet. Also, there were no ADA laws making it clear that colleges and businesses needed to accommodate those with disabilities.

After visiting what was then KSC (UNK), we were told they would help me get to my classes. Obviously, no one really considered what this meant. Nevertheless, my parents, my younger brother Paul and I moved to Kearney, which felt like home right away. (My older sister was married and lived in Kansas.)

After we settled in Kearney, my pastor father was once more called to serve a church—this one in Canada. Since we all loved Kearney and Dad would soon retire, Mom and Dad decided only Dad would leave to serve the church, while the rest of us stayed here in Kearney.

That created an interesting problem since my mother did not drive, leaving my high school brother as our only driver. He took me to college on my first day and got me to my first class. Somehow, I did get from class to class that day. At the end of the day the person wheeling my chair left me outside a building that is no longer on campus. I wore a warm cape, but the skies were threatening and mist threatened to become rain.

Paul was supposed to pick me up, but he didn’t. I tried to turn around. I saw he and two friends entering a building too far away to hear if I called. Obviously, they were looking for me. I was getting cold, praying, and wondering what to do. A woman saw me out of the window and took me back inside.

We tried to call my home but got no one. There were no cell phones. She knew who I was from church and decided to take me home. I was so grateful. On the way home we passed Paul who’d gone home to check if I were there. When I wasn’t, he headed back to the college.

He saw us and, thanks to the kindness of a stranger I was OK. When he got home, Paul added to the story. After unsuccessfully searching, he contacted the security office—campus cops.

He explained the situation. “My sister’s in a wheelchair and I need to find her.”

The officer on duty appeared bored. He glanced at his watch. “I’m going off duty now. If you haven’t found her by morning, let us know.”

Thankfully, unlike Campus Security, a stranger cared enough to get me home.

The old administration building consisted of three or four floors with no elevator. When I had classes in the ad building, I’d call my professor and explain I was in a wheelchair and couldn’t do stairs. Most professors assigned young men to wait at the bottom of the stairs and carry me up chair and all. Those were some wild rides.

These guys were kind and treated me with respect.The problem came during test time. As soon as someone finished the test they were to leave. No one thought—including the teacher—how that affected me. It left me at the end of the day stuck on a top floor of the ad building, mostly emptied of teachers, students and almost everyone else.

Paul would never find me, though by then he pretty much knew where I’d usually be for pickup. I had one option—prayer. It was frightening to be stuck with no options. Suddenly, up the stairs came someone I knew.

For some reason, she had business up there that afternoon. She was surprised to see me and shocked at my situation. It didn’t take her long to find some strong arms to carry me back downstairs. I was so grateful!

I can’t say how many times I needed a ride and how thankful I was for the kindness of complete strangers who helped me get around when I “got stuck.”. That was especially true in Winter when sidewalks were cleared with only a narrow path for walking.

I graduated with many good and some scary memories and a heart of gratitude that I would remain in the town that, for the most part, welcomed me—Kearney NE.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 8/31/2020
Read my autobiography The Day Secretariat Won the Triple Crown 

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Blog Winning friends, influencing people and respect

We live in a culture that has lost one of the strengths of America. That used to be the right to the free exchange of ideas. We listened to ideas different from our own and we learned from one another, even if we basically held the same opinion as before.

Today we live in a culture that spends way too much looking for, finding, even manufacturing reasons to be offended. We’ve made name-calling a first response along with anger that almost automatically engenders a negative response.

This desire to hurt others who offend us all too often and without provocation, uses the race card, physical harm, or trashing someone’s reputation or job simply because a person might say or write something not fitting the current politically correct fad.

People from all walks of life are losing jobs and suffering insults because of something that surfaces. Whether true or not, one person may pick up on one aspect of something communicated, chooses to be offended and targets the person through the media. They gathers others to the cause until employers are intimidated and a person, who might be perfectly innocent or who stated something awkwardly, loses a job that may well support a family. This has a name—bullying. Too many in our society have become bullies. Are you one?

Why do we think we need to trash a person personally simply because we don’t like what they said or wrote? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also, on many issues, there are often more than one legitimate side, backed up by “experts.”

Whatever happened to self-control, reading without blowing a gasket and considering another side—without anger and without the desire to lash out?

Those who really wish to change someone’s perspective need to realize response matters. No matter how “off the wall” you may think someone might be, that person is a human of worth. That person probably has family and friends who care and may well respond in kind on behalf of a family member or friend who gets trashed in public forums.

Think before you write something in anger. Consider where you might be in agreement and start with those points of agreement. This gives you a more neutral platform to state, respectfully, your reasons for disagreeing.

Maybe when you read or listen without rage you might gain a different perspective of what was communicated. Maybe you will realize no harm or disrespect was meant. Maybe you’ll discover things that may need more research—and not just from one point of view.

When you respond without rage fueling the response, you are more likely to reach an audience who will consider your point of view instead of turning off your reasoning because of the way it was presented. We live in a culture that nourishes anger and hurts and, in doing so, creates circles of hurt and wounded.

How much better to treat one another, especially those with whom we disagree, with respect and learn to think first and respond rationally and without anger.

Romans 12:21 says it best, “Do not be overcome by evil. But overcome evil with good.”

Extending and accepting forgiveness never goes out of style. Who knows where respectful dialogues will lead.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 8/17/20 as “Winning friends with respectful dialogue”
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poetry poetry

Poetry He Gave Me Hope

He gave me hope
When darkness clouded mind and soul
When pain beyond reason
Clutched and tore the fabric of my insular world
Left me bleeding from every
Physical and emotional pore.

He offered life
When my own ebbed and I
Wished only for the end
Yet, I clung to that nameless something
Implanted deep within
This cannot be all there is!

His gentle voice called, comforted, cared
Even in my rebellion,
Even in my indifference,
Even in my anger
He showed me sacrifice
Someone even dared to die—for me!

Love held Jesus to that cross
God became man—lived, died.
Rose again—for me, for my pain
For my anguished cries
Of heart and soul and mind.

Jesus offered forgiveness, life, hope
He stretched out His hand
My choice. And I, in dread anticipation,
Clasped His palm--Found Him.

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. —Psalm 119:114 KJV

(C) 2018  Carolyn R Scheidies
From God’s Love Letter to you
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devotions devotions

Devotion Live Brave and Bold

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Do not therefore be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be a partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;... --II Timothy 1:7-8

Want to be brave and bold? Ask Jesus to take control. There is no fear in love, because God is love. So, when we fear, we're trusting, depending upon ourselves, our experiences, our rationalizations, our intellect and not on Christ or His power within.

Help me, Jesus, stand against fear and chose to trust You and connect with you--even if I do so one baby step at a time.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6-7 NASB

(c) 2017 Carolyn R Scheidies
From The God Connection

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Blog Bio Jiggs a Special Father-in-law

My father-in-law was a quiet, but strong man. He was the only father in my life since my own father died in 1988. While LaVern (Jiggs) Scheidies was not a loud, boisterous person, his quiet presence drew attention.

He was intelligent and a conversation with him was never boring. His family loved him. Since losing my mother-in-law in 2016, we, as much as he’d allow, pampered Him.

Dad was a farmer, an honorable profession. But he was so much more. In WWII he was a tail gunner. He attended Hastings College when he returned home, before joining his family in farming. He grew corn including some of the best popcorn around. He clerked sales and auctions. He bought property and houses that he rented out.

If you needed a part or some equipment, he’d know where to find what you needed. He was an entrepreneur. In their later years, after Jiggs and Bert left the farm and moved to Minden, I remember once when Keith and I visited. His folks were so excited as they shared the news. They’d purchased a post office of all things. I didn’t even know a private person could own a post office, but it proved to be a good investment.

Keith’s folks loved their five kids of which my husband Keith was the eldest—Keith, Mark, Randy, Rhonda and Tim. They welcomed spouses once their children married. And, they loved their grandkids. Our two enjoyed spending a week or two each summer at the farm. Chris even got to assist with irrigating.

Keith’s folks drove into Kearney to attend games, school and church plays, programs, and other events in which Chris and Cassie were involved. They were the ones who started the tradition of going out for ice cream afterward.

Eventually, the grandkids married and there were great grandkids to spoil. In 2016, we lost my mother-in-law. Two years later, Dad entered Bethany's Home with a staff that took good care of him. He kept his home.

Periodically, Keith and I bought Kentucky Fried Chicken, brought Dad to his home, and enjoyed dinner with him. We loved these special times with Dad. We thought we’d have many more of these times together.Then Covid19 hit and Bethany Home, like other homes for senior citizens, locked down.

No longer could we visit with Dad, except via phone—and he was hard of hearing. It was a hardship for us, but even more so for Dad. It got worse when April 30th Dad’s son Mark died of a freak accident and we could not hug and comfort Dad.

Bethany's staff did facilitate Keith and his siblings visiting Dad through an entry door where he could see them and communicate via a cell. Keith said he smiled the entire time they were there. Maybe we’d get through this.

Then blood clots sent Dad to Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. We expected he’d recover. He didn’t. Once in Comfort Care more family could visit. It meant our two who’d come to visit us with Cassie’s little ones (who stayed with us), were able to visit and say goodbye to the Grandfather that they loved and who loved them.

The next day, he passed away. Two huge losses and so close together—neither from the virus. Thankfully, we could hold a funeral and have time to remember, visit those who came and be thankful for a man who honored God, his country, and his family.

I am sad. My heart grieves and yet, I also feel blessed. I am thankful for having two wonderful fathers who loved and influenced me and who left an example of caring and integrity.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published by Kearney Hub 8/3/2020
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poetry poetry

Poetry Living Life Well

There are now more years
Behind me then before me.
I’ve lived
sometimes through pain,
sometimes through frustration,
sometimes through sheer grit.

Through it all, Jesus was there.
I knew His care as I chose
to make and keep Him
the center of my life within.

With that choice,I discovered a sense of
And the joy of knowing
My life was and is safely
in His hands yesterday,
today and for all eternity.

(C) 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
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Blog The Problem with Charity Pomotions

Begging for money—again!

During most of our married life, every dollar had to stretch a long way. That meant while we believed in tithing, and giving, we didn’t have much more than a tithe to give and sometimes even that was a hardship. Since we didn’t have hundreds or thousands to donate, it bothered me that once we started donating, we started getting, not only our receipts but more.

Sometimes we got slick, full-color magazines we didn’t want and didn’t read. Other times we were inundated with appeals for other ministries under the same umbrella. What bothered me most was that all this mail costs money and I sometimes asked myself, how much of our meager donation actually went to the endeavor or missionary we supported?

We still get much too much in the way of promotion from charities in the mail, sometimes, from charities seeking to add us to their list of donors. At least I can toss them into the wastebasket. The Internet has changed everything. I like being able to donate online, Saves a stamp, and writing out a check.

But doing so means the organization has my email. Besides sending a receipt, which is important for tax purposes, charities, along with other businesses, recognized the allure in sending promotion to email addresses. Today,  my email is overwhelmed by useless promotion campaigns. It is cost effective for the organization, but I have to wonder, if like me, are many tired of the constant attempts to guilt us into larger donations?

Asking for less promotion doesn’t seem to fall on listening ears. I am grateful for those organizations that are more judicious in how much promotion they send out. Some of the policies of many charity organizations are questionable. If I support a missionary family, don’t try to get me to support others or other “needs” of the organization. 

“Donations” means we give money to help or because we feel God leading us to support a person or cause. Recently, one organization sent a letter saying donations have not kept up with the cost of living and would we consider increasing our giving.

I really didn’t mind a reminder or even two, but the organization seems stuck in pointing out how much more we could give and this was after we’d increased our giving. This approach will eventually backfire. 

For all my frustration with a flawed system, we do have our own set of guidelines. We do not give over the phone. I carefully check out charities to which we donate. How much actually goes to the cause or ministry? I do not let emotional appeals overrule making choices as to whom, when, how often, and how much to donate.

We also seek to support individuals whom we know and trust, though, of course, this isn’t possible much of the time. God calls on us to give generously. We also need to do so within our means. Check your budget, look for a need, and give--even if it means ignoring irritating calls for further donations.

(C) 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 7/20/2020
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Blog Masks are not for everyone

Remember when coronavirus started making news? We were told a good thing which was to wash your hands often. When I grew up both parents and teachers not only taught the importance of hand washing but made us kids do so after playing outside, before eating, etc.

Roll down the years and someone got the bright idea that this simple sanitary practice wasn’t fair to everyone or some such nonsense and this simple practice that saves lives and health went by the wayside. Now it is back and I hope this will once again become a normal practice in homes and schools.

The other thing we were told was not to touch our faces. It was like being told not to think of a pink elephant and all you can think of is that pink elephant. Telling us not to touch our faces suddenly made us self-conscious about how much we touched our faces. Hard to stop.

Then the “wear a mask” mandate came down and everyone hurried to find something to over their nose and mouth. In certain cases this was voluntary, but more and more it became a mandate. I have watched those who wear masks. Many are constantly touching their faces pulling the mask up, adjusting the nose covering or the strings that fit around the ears.

When you consider this is supposed to be sanitary protection, then the whole idea goes south. After leaving the business establishment, some throw the mask in their pockets, purses, or in the glove compartment until the “next time” it is required.

Doesn’t take long for these masks to become saturated with germs. If you wear masks, for your well-being, please keep them clean

There are enterprises who geared up to make this product and now entice potential customers to wear a mask in the privacy of their homes or in an open-air park. Really! Where ads used to sell their products with sex, now products use fear.

Many who mandate masks have little concept of the unintended consequences. Very young children should NOT be forced to wear a mask. They are just learning how to breathe. Others report getting dizzy trying to wear a mask for even short periods of time. Many with asthma or other breathing problems simply cannot wear a mask for physical health reasons. Those with claustrophobia problems suffer panic attacks.

Some, like medical personnel and those showing symptoms, should probably wear masks—short term. According to the CDC some definitely should not. These include Children under age 2. Anyone who has trouble breathing. Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or can’t remove a face mask without help.

Some medical and government acknowledge this problem, but many do not. I’m one who cannot wear a mask. Add to panic and breathing problems, consider how am I to wear this mask.

I need someone else to put it on me. Someone to adjust it when needed and someone to remove it. In an era of self-distancing that doesn’t work. I don’t go get my hair cut because those who go to a business to get their hair cut have to wear a mask. How does that work?

Many of today’s restrictions make little sense and have more to do with assumptions of good rather than scientific or medical proof. I can’t help but wonder about the balance between drawbacks and benefits. Now we’re afraid to go outside and simply breathe fresh air.

I’ll be glad when we put them away for good. (Real, not fake data comparing the states and countries who masked against those that didn’t. The result. NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE. Wearing a mask is a fairy tale, not science. Don’t you wonder why so many authoritarian organizations including medical establishments try to prolong the usage?

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 7/6/2020
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Blog Bio My Way-or God’s


Read: Proverbs 1:1-7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.--Proverbs 1:7 (KJV)

I remember my dad trying to replace the plug on a lamp cord. Dad was very handy, always able to fix anything around the house that needed fixing. This simple job had him stumped. He struggled and struggled with a job he thought he understood, growing more and more frustrated by the minute.

Again and again, he stripped the wires, shortening the cord a bit each time. Finally, totally exasperated, Dad picked up the plug box and found the directions. He read them. To his chagrin, he discovered this particular plug was a new “easy” install type.

All he needed to do was lay the cord, as it was, in the groove and snap on the cover--no stripping, no connecting tiny wires. How foolish I could see he felt as he completed a five-minute job in about an hour. How much needless frustration he caused himself.

How often could this be you or me?

“No one is going to tell me what to do?” That includes listening to good advice or reading directions. Who makes these claims? The tough kid who skips school. The teenage girl sneaking out to meet her boyfriend. The young marrieds in the throes of their first big disagreement. The employee who doesn’t like a new, common-sense regulation.

How often do we, in essence, use this phrase in our Christian life? When we ignore God’s Word, ignore communicating with him, ignore the fellowship with His people, we are telling God, “I don’t want to do things Your way. I’ll do it MY way.”

Because we’re “saved”, because we claim the name of Jesus, we think we’ll escape the consequences of our rebellion, but rebellion is still rebellion. We go our way and end up with disaster, depression, chaos, and emptiness in our lives.

How much pain and hurt and frustration do we need to go through before we’re willing to come back to Jesus for forgiveness, read His instructions, and follow His directions for our lives? He’s not there to kill our “fun,” but to help us find the richest life possible--a life meant only for those who follow Christ in His will and way. Time to commit to read and study God’s Word and to talk to Him.

Dear Lord, forgive me for trying to do life my way, not yours. Help me take the time to read Your directions each day and to listen when You speak to my heart and mind. Amen.

Monday: II Timothy 3:16-17
Tuesday: II Samuel 12:1-14; Psalm 51
Wednesday: Proverbs 2
Thursday: Psalm 113
Friday: James 4
Saturday: Proverbs 3

(c) 2018 Carolyn R Scheidies
From Listen! Who Me?
Print and Kindle versions
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Blog Politics Freedom—historical context

Read: I Peter 2:13-17

As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.--I Peter 2:16 (KJV)

Fireworks boom in the ears and marvel the eyes as they spread colorful displays high in the night sky. For all the buildup and excitement, not to mention money spent on fireworks for Independence Day, how many of us sit down with our children or grandchildren to teach them, and to remind ourselves, what it is we celebrate on July 4th and why this celebration is so important?

Do our children and grandchildren understand the struggle the Americans had against an autocratic king across the ocean who refused to grant basic liberties accorded to other British citizens, while continually finding ways to raise taxes--on almost everything?

Do they understand that many of our founding fathers, the ones most committed to making sure Americans were treated with dignity, lost property, lost their money, and lost loved ones in a war they believed critical to freedom?

Do our children and grandchildren know aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins who have gone to war to preserve a nation of freedom--some even paying with their lives? What of families, wives, mothers, and children, who lost loved ones far across the ocean in foreign lands?

Do they understand the true cost of growing up in America?

These days, schools don’t often teach history without spin and revision. It is up to us as parents and grandparents to pass on the faith and freedom that is the basis of America. If they do not know, if they aren’t taught the actual history, if they take their freedom of faith for granted, they will lose freedom and the right to worship.

It is already happening. America’s freedom started with men and women recognizing the true source of freedom--Jesus Christ. We need to pass on this faith as well.

Do I?

Thank you Jesus that, despite all the problems, I am privileged to live in America. Help me not take either my faith or my freedom for granted. Help me pass these concepts on to a new generation. Amen.

Monday: John 8:32
Tuesday: Galatians 5:1
Wednesday: Galatians 6:13-14
Thursday: Romans 6:7-8
Friday: Romans 6:22-23
Saturday: Romans 8:20-21

From Listen? Who Me?
(c) 2018 Carolyn R Scheidies

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Blog Bio Snakes, summer and surprises

I have had quite a history with snakes. I am not talking about snakes in our front and back yard. I am talking about adventures with snakes that somehow manage to sneak into our house and surprise me at the most inopportune times.

I’ve dealt with a huge sake inside the front door and half under the baseboard that looked about ready to deliver who knows how many wiggly baby snakes. I screamed. The only person I could think of in the vicinity was our pastor at his office at the church. I called.

Pastor Dave came with a rake and had that snake out and dispatched before I could take a breath. That was the beginning of my adventure. My contractor brother had his crew fill in the crack between the sidewalk and the front of the house. Nothing coming in that way!

One year a snake suddenly appeared out of the baseboard in the kitchen and slithered behind the refrigerator. I knew snakes hate salt. Out the back door, I’d I poured salt down the opening between the sidewalk and the house and had snakes escaping right and left.

I used that knowledge by opening the garage door (next to the refrigerator) and pouring salt on the kitchen floor to keep the snake out of the rest of the house while giving it a way out. Never saw that snake again.

I had a snake walk me down the hall at night. I sensed I was not alone. When I flipped on the light, there was this little, almost, cute baby snake looking up at me. Eventually, my fear dwindled and I‘d had enough.

Because of my limitations, I keep what I call “helper hooks” around the house. They help me reach, dress and pick things up. Finally, I found one more reptile just inside the front door.

This time I noticed one of my hooks hanging up nearby. My mind flashed to the place I’d been with my family many years earlier in the Black Hills where they handled snakes with hooks. After managing to open the front door, I grabbed my hook, hooked that snake, and threw it outside. I felt a sense of satisfaction.

For a while, I thought I’d seen the end of snakes entering our house. I stopped checking out corners and the doors. All was well. Not quite. So much has happened this year, I really didn’t need one more thing. But, we can’t always control circumstances.

We’ve been pretty much staying home and self-distancing until lately. Instead of shopping, we ordered groceries to be delivered. That morning I saw the vehicle pull up and headed to the door to open it so the delivery person could bring our groceries inside.

Oh no! There was a snake right inside the door—again. I was startled. I screamed for Keith. Even using a cane he responded quickly and, using his cane, had that snake out the door by the time the lady got to the door with our order.

Is my adventure beginning all over again? I hope not, but I am pouring salt around the places these creatures may sneak in. I really don’t like snakes, but considering everything else going on, snakes in the house is, by comparison, creepy, but not earth-shaking.

They aren’t poisonous snakes after all. Besides, I am reminded that they, as are we, God’s creations and whatever snakes are in my house or life, I can be thankful that He’s got this.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 6/22/2020 as Snakes don’t shake me up anymore
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Blog Bio Mark Scheidies—friend, family and loss

2018 Dad Jiggs Scheidies with his kids—Rhonda, Tim, Randy, Keith and Mark

Kearney Hub title: Mark special brother-in-law

April 30, 2020 we lost my husband’s brother Mark to a freak accident. To say the least, it was a shock.

I didn’t know my husband Keith’s family very well when we married over a year after I graduated from what was then KSC, now UNK. We married after I had major surgeries to straighten my legs and year-long therapy to help me relearn to walk again after being in a wheelchair for almost 10 years.

To say I was nervous when I met his parents doesn’t begin to explain how I felt. After all, Keith was their oldest of five siblings—Keith, Mark, Randy, Rhonda and Tim. And he brought me home. Yet the whole family was gracious and accepting.

While Mark was one of Keith’s groomsmen, it took time to really get to know him. I remember being at their parent’s home for a meal after which the family members pulled out board and card games. I was asked to join the group who played Risk. It had to be the shortest game on record.

When asked to play it again another time, I was so emphatic about my refusal I caught his sister’s attention. “Did you play Risk with Mark?”

“Yes,” I said.

I got a head shake. “You never play strategy games with Mark.”

I quickly learned you needed your wits about you when playing games with him. In fact as his obituary stated He earned an expert ranking in tournament chess and was Colorado Postal Chess Champion. He played in over 1,000 Trivia competitions and made it into the Jeopardy contestant pool six times.

When the siblings married and we started having kids, the uncles did not back away. They were very involved in the lives of their nieces and nephews. One favorite picture is of a protective Mark in the barn loft with our son, his nephew, Chris, and his daughter Tiffany and niece Anne.

I really got to know Mark once my writing career took off. I began attending the large Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference. When it was held in Boulder, I stayed with Mark and Jenni. Jenni usually went with me to hold my “stuff” and to see I got to my seminars. But as a working dentist, she wasn’t always available.

I remember once when Jenni had to work, Mark willingly came to the conference with me and helped me get around. Not only that, but he agreed to critique one of my early manuscripts. He took his work seriously and his suggestions may have made the difference in being offered a book contract.

Though we often differed politically and theologically, we could talk for hours. I loved hearing his insights and he seemed to appreciate my insights as well. Mark was not only very intelligent but also unfailingly gentle, kind, and thoughtful.

Even as he lay in the hospital after his accident not knowing his future, he was more concerned about his family and about who was going to deliver the Meals on Wheels when he couldn’t.

He was, as are his brothers, what is hard to find these days—a true gentleman. In losing him, especially so unexpectedly and so suddenly, my husband lost a dear brother, I lost a brother-in-law and friend.

During this time of social distancing, what is really hard was not to be with his family to give hugs to his wife Jenni and his children and grandchildren. Hard not to be together to remember and grieve the loss of a good man, a beloved husband, father and grandfather.

But I can purposely remember and I give thanks for all the good memories made from family get-togethers of a close family. We reach out with cards, calls, and even Zoom. And I can pray for his family. That’s something we all can do for each other.

Mark thanks for making my life better for knowing you. Rest In peace.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 6/8/2020

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politics politics

Politics Deliberate Destruction of Property, a Crime?

  • Deliberately stealing, damaging, or destroying someone else’s property is a crime. Pandering to those who do is almost as bad. Either we are a nation of laws or we are a nation of thugs.

  • There are lots of good people and good cops. There are bad people, some of whom are cops—and they will do bad things. That gives no one the right to harm people or property and commit crimes as a result.

  • Such incidences give some the excuse to do wrong. Often there is a paid element to riots that egg on those who do not consider the consequences of their actions.

  • Those who commit crimes need to have consequences, not let off with a slap on the wrist.

  • What we need is a nation that returns to a sane and moral base of faith and personal respect and responsibility.

  • By Carolyn R Scheidies
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devotions, poetry devotions, poetry

Devotion Poetry My Center

God meant us for peace and prosperity
Of mind and soul,
Forgiveness found
Only in the death of He
Who gave His life at Calvary
For all who come, accept and live
For Christ

Will I kneel,
Have the mind of Christ
Know His love
Have His mind inside;

Or will I be blinded by ignorance
Daily living for myself?
In the business of life,

Will I choose to give Him
The best of my time and all I am and find...
Living for Him instead of Me
When He is my center,
I am truly free.

I Thessalonians 5:21-22 (KJV) Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.

(C) 2016, 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
From First I Bow
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Blog Bio Spring, Virus and Relief

My 70th birthday. January 2020. Keith in the wheelchair.

It has been a long year for Keith and I. January 2019 began with the death of my brother Paul. The rest of the year centered around dealing with all the aspects of his loss. This year was a new beginning. We got one, but not what we expected. Early January, Keith slipped on a patch of ice and down he went.

Thankfully there were individuals who helped him. After a visit to a specialist, Keith got the news. He’d broken his ankle which would take 6-8 weeks to heal. During that time he wore a huge boot for protection and was told to absolutely stay off of it.

For the first several weeks he used a wheelchair, then a walker, and finally a cane and a brace instead of the boot. He’s still using the cane. If walking on uneven ground, he is still supposed to wear his brace for extra protection. It was exciting when he could drive again. We could go shopping, could go out to eat--and we could attend church services again. (I don’t drive.)

That lasted maybe 3 weeks or so. Then the nation was immersed in trying to stop the pandemic of Covid19. Social distancing and staying home became the new watchwords. Who were the most vulnerable? We were. Not only are Keith and I in the target age group for getting the virus, our immune systems are compromised.

After spending the first part of the year at home due to Keith’s injury, now we stayed home to stay safe and well. While Keith is an introvert and is fine with his books, iPad, and computer, I have discovered I’m not the introvert I thought I might be.

Yes, I like alone time. Yes, my work is a solitary pursuit. But as much as I enjoy alone time, I also need interaction with people. I also do better with sunny skies rather than with overcast skies, gloom, and rain. With the warming weather, just going outside, standing in the sunlight, and breathing in deeply helps.

I am thankful warm weather is arriving. I am also thankful this happened at a time technology can help us keep connected. Our church started pre-recording services for Sunday worship. Wednesdays, Zoom helps us stay in touch with our church Fellowship and Prayer time. Phone calls continue from family and friends. Email also helps us keep in touch. We can even meet, with caution, in small groups. 

I really covet FaceTime with our daughter and two youngest grandkids--Ellery (3) and Ezekiel (1). Like our daughter, Ellery is more of an extrovert and misses time with friends. Now, she asks her mom to talk with Gramma and Grampa via video. It is wonderful to be able to see and hear them.

It also makes me long for the day we can get into our car and drive to Omaha and give long hugs. Meanwhile, restrictions are slowly being relaxed. Even that leads to frustration and the urge to complain. Instead, we can do something different. We can count our blessings and reach out to those who need a word of encouragement.

We can pray for those making decisions that they will make wise ones. We can pray for the safety of medical personnel and we can pray virus cases will continue to decrease. Further, we can love and continue to spend quality time with our families. Finally, we can give thanks that this, too, shall pass. Use wisdom and stay safe.

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 5/18/2020
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devotions devotions

Devotion Giving Up Control?

God’s path to His blessing isn’t a blanket “It’s Ok.” He requires each of us to come and acknowledge His Lordship. It is letting go and letting Him take control of our lives, something most of us find very difficult to do.

Jesus isn’t simply a “Get out of trouble card,” when we goof up. Sin isn’t a popular word, but it is the definition of what we do when we make choices that harm ourselves and/or others. Do we lie, cheat, steal, even in minor ways? Do we hurt others with our words, assumptions, innuendoes, and gossip?

Do we go our way, shutting God out of our lives, maybe even, while claiming to follow Him? He is our creator, Lord, and Savior. He is so much more than we want to accept. But, until we do so, we remain outside His comfort, protection and peace.

Am I willing to let go, give Him access to clean me up from the inside out, and to follow Him wherever He leads? Do I truly know Him, His will, His way? Am I ready to deepen my relationship with Him through regular communication and by studying His Word?

Until I am, how can I claim to either know or follow Him? Yet, He is still here, waiting for you and me to ask, to bow, allow Him in to forgive and set free.

1 John 1:9 (ESV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(c) Carolyn R Scheidies
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Devotion Afraid to Share Your Faith?


Psalms 96:2 (ESV)2 Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.

How often do we share our faith and God’s Good News with those with whom we have contact? Why or why not? Embarrassment? Fear? Lack of confidence?

Do we really believe the simple message that Jesus gives life and hope and peace to those who come to Him?  Do we believe without Christ we perish, that we need Jesus?

Actions follow beliefs or we don’t truly believe. Who needs to know God’s love today?

Help me Jesus not be afraid to share You with family, friends, co-workers and those who need to know your salvation, comfort, hope, and peace. Amen.

By Carolyn R Scheidies
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Blog bio Surprise on Mother’s Day

My family moved to Kearney in 1969 for one reason—so I could continue my college education. Though my father was a pastor and there was no church of our denomination in Kearney, my parents chose to move here. That must have been rather scary.

What would a pastor with two kids do in Kearney? (My older sister was married and lived in another state.)

We settled on KSC, now the University of Nebraska at Kearney, because they had a journalism program and because, before the ADA regulations they were willing to see I made it to my classes. (I was in a wheelchair I could not wheel by myself.)

Dad found a job and we settled into living in Kearney. In fact, my folks fell in love with the area and were even talking about retiring here. Then something happened. My dad received a call from a church in, of all places Ontario, Canada. He was known in the area because his first churches were in Ontario, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

My folks discussed the situation. I was doing well in college, my brother Paul was in high school. They decided Dad would go north on his own, though Mom and I went up the next summer to stay with him. (Paul stayed home to work.)

Dad came for visits when he could. Even though Mom missed Dad, she seldom complained about the situation. With Mother’s Day coming up, I knew her heart’s desire was to spend time with Dad. How could Paul and I make it special for Mom? Turns out, we didn’t have to.

At the time, we’d rented a large house south of the fairgrounds. Since I couldn’t do stairs, Mom fixed up the old laundry room for me, which had a bathroom off the room.

My parent’s bedroom was upstairs, but often Mom slept on the downstairs couch feeling uncomfortable leaving me downstairs alone. When someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night, she was sure of her decision.

She hurried into my room. “Carolyn, someone is at the door.”

She wrung her hands. “What do I do?” (There had been some weird stuff going on in our neighborhood.)

I told her to peek through the curtains. She sucked in a breath and headed for the living room. Silence. Had I given the wrong advice? Then I heard a loud scream. Usually a scary sound, but I could tell this wasn’t a scream of terror. It was a scream of surprise and joy.

I threw off the covers and struggled into my wheelchair. A moment later, I understood as Dad’s arms surrounded me. He’d come home for one reason—to surprise Mom for Mother’s Day. He certainly did that.

This year visits will be few, far between and careful because of the virus. The difference between then and now is that even safe at home we’ll be able to see and interact with family—grandkids—using FaceTime. Dad provided Mom a special memory. This year, I don’t expect a visit, surprise or otherwise. Instead, I’ll make memories online.

If not in person, let your mom know you care with a card, a phone call, or an online chat. Maybe you won’t match Dad’s surprise, but you can reach out to let your mom know the important thing—you are thinking about her and love her.

Happy Mother’s Day!

© 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published in Kearney Hub 5/4/2020
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For more on the author’s life read The Day Secretariat Won the Triple Crown

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