Devotion Giving Up Control?

God’s path to His blessing isn’t a blanket “It’s Ok.” He requires each of us to come and acknowledge His Lordship. It is letting go and letting Him take control of our lives, something most of us find very difficult to do.

Jesus isn’t simply a “Get out of trouble card,” when we goof up. Sin isn’t a popular word, but it is the definition of what we do when we make choices that harm ourselves and/or others. Do we lie, cheat, steal, even in minor ways? Do we hurt others with our words, assumptions, innuendoes, and gossip?

Do we go our way, shutting God out of our lives, maybe even, while claiming to follow Him? He is our creator, Lord, and Savior. He is so much more than we want to accept. But, until we do so, we remain outside His comfort, protection and peace.

Am I willing to let go, give Him access to clean me up from the inside out, and to follow Him wherever He leads? Do I truly know Him, His will, His way? Am I ready to deepen my relationship with Him through regular communication and by studying His Word?

Until I am, how can I claim to either know or follow Him? Yet, He is still here, waiting for you and me to ask, to bow, allow Him in to forgive and set free.

1 John 1:9 (ESV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(c) Carolyn R Scheidies
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Devotion Afraid to Share Your Faith?