Websites don’t last forever, then what?

I’ve had several websites over the years. The first few were places I could set up for free. I did my best to put together something appealing to draw readers to my site. At the time our budget didn’t reach for a paid space. Those first websites included ads in one way or another.

 Along the way I learned some basic language and how to do what I wanted to do. But I was still very ignorant about how the websites worked on the internet. I did eventually find a low-cost situation and created a new website. Each time I changed, I had to start over. It was time-consuming and frustrating. Yet, as a published author, I was pretty much required to have a website. Some of my publishers offered good advice and I changed my website accordingly. Some advice didn’t work.

 I loved checking out the websites of other authors and seeing what appealed to me and what was working for them. As much as I learned, I knew creating a website wasn’t really my strong point. Even as I read,, checked websites and more, I felt my website was lacking.

 My son Chris finally suggested he add my website under his company. He designed a website that pretty much took my entries and formatted them. I had choices, but much was done for me. Of course, that meant starting over once again. While the website wasn’t perfect, it certainly was better than anything I’d done before. I settled into my new and better website. I regularly added pieces I’d written and added new books as they were published along with links to purchase them.

 Of course, part of the problem with keeping up a website is that the internet changes constantly. What was a must at the beginning of creating websites now looked dated. Changes will continue. Those with websites need to be aware and continue to update. I really don’t like updates of software or anything else. I get comfortable with what I have.

 A while ago, I began having problems with my website. When I told Chris and he checked. He was surprised to realize I’d had that same website for six years. Further, he realized someone was trying to hack my site. Time to switch to a different place and create a new website. This time when he created a new website, he was able to transfer most of my text. It was amazing. Pictures didn’t transfer and I need to go through and delete the blocks of empty space. I am adding some pictures, but not many yet.

 Some formatting transferred, a lot did not. Text that turned into one big block of text needs to be reformatted. Little by little I’m getting the new website ready. After all these years, my site is filled with my writing. I have already added covers of my books. I am thankful I didn’t have to start from scratch this time. What I learned from maintaining a website is that the internet forces changes in websites.

 Truth is, life is all about change. About the time you get comfortable, something happens to change things up. There are the times of joy—a wedding, a birth, a promotion or new job. There are times we don’t want—health issues, tragedy, death. While I have work to do to get my website right, my son is there to help. In more serious life situations, family and friends make a difference. Further, God will walk through life with us, if we ask.

 Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord himself will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will never leave you. He’ll never desert you. So don’t be afraid. Don’t lose hope.”

So, I’ll take the changes, thankful that whatever the situation, I don’t have to go through it alone. I’ll get through with friends, family and my Heavenly Father who comforts, guides, and offers hope for tomorrow. He’ll do the same for you.

© 2023 Carolyn R Scheidies
Kearney Hub column 8/14/202
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