Choices today matter tomorrow
I woke up to a world of beautiful white snow as far as I can see—lawn, park, and school grounds on the other side of Collins Park. When I was a child, snow drew me outside to make snowmen and snow angels. This snow, though it didn’t appear real deep, did not tempt me.
Much of the day I hear something bang against the roof and windows—and it wasn’t soft fluffy snowflakes. What I heard on into the night was cold, hard sleet. The day before I heard warnings of what this storm was bringing. Though we were warned we might lose power, that, thankfully, did not happen.
As I look outside I am not tempted to go out. In fact, we’ll stay warm and safe inside. Though snow may tempt, sleet does not. This lovely snow hides something deadly. Under that particular snow is a coating of ice. With the overcast skies and temperatures, I doubt much will melt quickly, making this even more a potential for disastrous falls and accidents.
Life is often like our deceptive snow. What appears harmless may well cover up something that can alter a life forever—and not for the better. A small white lie can rebound into hurting you or someone else. Taking something, even a small, something can lead one into making negative choices. The truth is the more negative decisions one makes the easier it is to make the next bad choice. A man checks out porn and then more. He gets too cozy with another employee or friend, sharing things and feelings that should be shared with a spouse.
Dinner. Lying to a spouse. One step at a time and trust is broken, hearts are shattered, and marriage is destroyed with kids as collateral damage. Media and movies excuse such behavior, often mocking the sanctity of marriage. Even filling our minds with such negativity makes it easier to excuse bad and dishonest choices.
Instead of skirting the edges of disaster by giving in to temptation that appears beautiful and inviting, we can remind ourselves of the slippery path we’re choosing. We can strive to be honest and persons of integrity in all we do, think, and say. As making one wrong choice makes the next wrong easier, so choosing the path of integrity makes the next positive choice easier as well.
Faith can help us make those positive choices that lift up instead of destroying our lives, reputations and families. This year, what path will we choose?
© 2023 Carolyn R Scheidies
Column published 2023 February 8
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Bio First Real Snow
Unsplash: Martina De Marchena@letstakeapicture
During the night the wind howled. We woke up to a thin covering of snow on the ground this morning. It is not only cold outside, it looks and feels cold even inside. Part of that is knowing what cold feels like. After all, I was born in Minnesota and lived my first few years in Canada, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. These places had very long winters with deep snow and short summers with lots of irritating mosquitoes.
My sister’s birthday is in September. She was always disappointed if the first snow didn’t hit before her birthday. Karin loves snow. She wasn’t happy when we moved to eastern Wyoming where there wasn’t much snow. To her horror, we didn’t even always have snow for Christmas. When we did have a good amount of snow, it didn’t stay. Warm chinook winds swept down and melted the snow away. Which was OK by me.
It’s not that I minded the snow. I liked having some around in the Winter. I didn’t like having to bundle up in heavy coat, mittens, hat, and scarf, not to mention boots. I could scarcely move all bundled up. I did enjoy sledding down steep hills, creating snowpersons, and lying down to make snow angels.
I like the layer of snow we have today. It will be gone soon. But when real deep snow comes, I’ll leave playing in it, even walking in it, up to the younger set. I’m not the fan of snow my sister is, but I can enjoy it from behind my large front window. Then I am thankful I can stay unbundled, inside—and warm.
© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies
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