Blog Bio Covid Eventually Caught Up with Us
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
We made it through the 2020 season of Covid. Of course, at the time we took precautions and mostly stayed home. For a few months, we even Zoomed our church service. 2020, became 2021 with fewer restrictions and 2022 with most restrictions put aside. We are thankful every Sunday to be able to attend our church service and Bible Study in person.
Other than church and doctor visits, we don’t get out all that much. Keith will pick up a few items at the grocery store, but mainly we have our groceries delivered. We spend time with our kids and grandkids in Lincoln and Papillion respectively.
A few months ago, we visited our daughter and family, along with her husband’s parents. Both sets of grandparents came to attend our five-year-old granddaughter’s first dance recital. Ellery was so pretty in her dress. And, she did so well.
We also attended the Scheidies’ weekend gathering where we laughed, talked, and caught up with each other’s lives. Saturday that weekend, the younger kids had uncles providing 3-wheeler and burro rides outside at the family farm.
Not everyone was able to make it to the gathering, but most came. It felt right to be together as a family. We’d been through so much loss since Covid—though not from the disease itself, but due to other causes. We did discover how much we needed one another and the importance of showing we care.
The week after the get-together, Keith and I started not feeling so good. Our “get-up-and-go simply got-up-and went.” It took a couple of days to figure out this was something different from what we’d experienced before. Yup! After managing to stay well through the pandemic and afterward, we finally succumbed. But we didn’t let that frighten us. We knew that fear only makes a situation worse, not better. We chose to move forward, determined to get through this.
The first few days, we slept. Then it was sleep and bathroom time. Our neighbor, a nurse, checked our vitals, asked questions, and made sure we were OK. Slowly we recovered, but it took time to recover our energy. The worst time is when you no longer feel sick but have little energy or motivation to actually do anything. I was glad to get beyond that stage.
I am thankful to make it through and thankful for our family and friends who prayed and offered assistance. It is good to know, that whatever we go through, we do not have to fear for, whatever happens, we are safe in God’s loving care
© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies
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