Blog Whistles, Safety and grandkids

After a surgery that left my throat injured, trying to raise my voice hurt. Yet, I needed some way to get a hold of someone if I had a need. It was difficult even to raise my voice so my husband on the other end of our one-story house could hear me. At the time, medical alert appliances didn’t work if a person fell, not automatically at any rate, which is what I would need.

I found an inexpensive solution. I bought a package of different colored whistles on expandable bands I could slip on my wrists. The colors coordinated with my outfits. If I needed to gain Keith’s attention, I merely whistled.

But the whistles became a hit in another way. My young granddaughter loved the colorful, clinking whistles. It wasn’t long before I came prepared when I visited. I’d wear several whistles on my arm. She, and later her younger brother, loved stripping them off my arm and marching around and whistling. I used my whistles to teach colors and counting.

The kids are getting older now and those whistles don’t carry the same draw as they once did. They may whistle a bit when we visit, then move on to something else. But for me, the cheap, colorful whistles still serve their original purpose, if I need to alert someone to a fall or other situation, I merely whistle.

© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies

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