Devotion Choice to do Right

Read: I Peter 3:10-18 

For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (made alive) by the Spirit: --I Peter 3:18   

How often do we use “Christian” jargon either to excuse our behavior or (maybe unwittingly) confuse others about what we mean? It is easy for some of us who grew up in the church to use such terminology as “Jesus forgives sins”; “Jesus paid the penalty for my sins” or “He took my place.”   

We spout spiritual-sounding words such as the following: new birth, salvation, sanctification, and the much-used phrase--”Asking Jesus into your heart.”   

These may have meant something significant in our lives. But as time passes, we tend to lose sight of what this terminology once meant to our faith and to our walk with Jesus. We lose sight of the deeper meaning and forget those who do not know Christ may have no clue what we’re talking about when we use such phrases as worn idioms. Why should they? We’ve forgotten.   

Jesus Christ, Lord and Creator of the entire universe, loved each of us so much that, when He realized what a mess we’d made of our lives and His beautiful world, He made a critical choice. He left His power and glory to be born into our world. He lowered Himself to our level. He lived as we lived, felt as we feel.    He struggled with the same temptations, enticements and sins that seek to entangle us. The difference? He knew God’s Word. He chose to say, “No!” over and over again. He used Scripture to foil Satan at his own game.   

Because Jesus said, “No!” to sin and temptation, He didn’t have to suffer consequences for His own sin-- He had none. It meant He could, and did, choose to take the consequences for our bad choices. He chose to take on Himself the punishments and consequences we rightly deserve.   He allowed Himself to be tortured and murdered-- for you, for me, for our sin.   

We do not need to castigate ourselves over sins for which we’ve regretted and for which we’ve repented and turned away. Jesus forgives all those sins, bad things we’ve said, thought or done. He took our punishment and set us free of the guilt. Our part is simply to accept His gift; a gift freely given, which cannot be earned. 

 Jesus made the sacrifice for one reason. He loves us. He created us and desires a personal relationship with each one of us. He wants us to follow Him, that He might give us the deep, rich life He has planned for us. Jesus accepted death, that He might conquer death, evil and hell. Those of us who choose to follow Him, He offers His peace, hope, new life today and a place with Him forever in heaven.   

He doesn’t want robots. He doesn’t force me to serve Him. With His death and resurrection, He provided us a choice. We do not have to choose His gift of forgiveness, guidance, hope and life. There is always choice to make.   We never lose our right to make choices that either bring us life and light or selfishness, heartache and, ultimately, separation from Him. Satan entangles, manipulations, entices and intimidates. Only Jesus offers choice. Only Jesus offers true freedom.   The choice is mine--yours.

Thank you, Father God, for the gift of Your Son. Help me commit or recommit my life to You. Help me not merely spout words of faith, but live them out as a follower of Christ. Help me make choices that lead others to You. Amen.

Meditations: Monday: James 4:1-8 

Tuesday: Revelation 2:1-7 

Wednesday: Matthew 27:15-25 

Thursday: Luke 18:18-30 

Friday: Revelation 3:14-22 

Saturday: Hebrews 25

(C) 2018, 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies


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poetry poetry

Poetry Offense

So simple to take offense
Someone does or says something
That hurts,
That angers,
That leads to, often, unfounded assumptions
And thoughts of sounding off,
Of retaliation.

Yet the words or actions
were not always meant to offend,
Emotions raise the stakes
We complete the cycle only if we
Acknowledge it,
Hold and hang onto it,
Nourish it.

Why assume offense was meant?
Temper initial, unthinking, inner response
Was it simply an awkward attempt at words or action,
Not vicious, just unwise?
Think it through
Deal with it,
Discover truth

If not meant to offend
Forgive and let it go.
Let it slither away,
Under the rocks where it belongs,
Not completing the cycle,
Refuse to be offended.

Offense seeks to snare, entrap us,
Yet it is only as deep,
As encompassing as we allow.
Why not refuse to close the cycle,
Refuse to rise to the bait?
Replace with prayer,
Allowing God’s peace to calm.
Set free.

I refuse to let it fence me in.
Ensnare me,
Entangle me.
What about you?
Next time, what will you do?
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."Romans 12:21 NKJV

(C) 2016, 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
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devotions devotions

Devotion Giving Up Control?

God’s path to His blessing isn’t a blanket “It’s Ok.” He requires each of us to come and acknowledge His Lordship. It is letting go and letting Him take control of our lives, something most of us find very difficult to do.

Jesus isn’t simply a “Get out of trouble card,” when we goof up. Sin isn’t a popular word, but it is the definition of what we do when we make choices that harm ourselves and/or others. Do we lie, cheat, steal, even in minor ways? Do we hurt others with our words, assumptions, innuendoes, and gossip?

Do we go our way, shutting God out of our lives, maybe even, while claiming to follow Him? He is our creator, Lord, and Savior. He is so much more than we want to accept. But, until we do so, we remain outside His comfort, protection and peace.

Am I willing to let go, give Him access to clean me up from the inside out, and to follow Him wherever He leads? Do I truly know Him, His will, His way? Am I ready to deepen my relationship with Him through regular communication and by studying His Word?

Until I am, how can I claim to either know or follow Him? Yet, He is still here, waiting for you and me to ask, to bow, allow Him in to forgive and set free.

1 John 1:9 (ESV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(c) Carolyn R Scheidies
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