Blog Hats, Hats, Hats
Photo by Stephen Hocking on Unsplash
I like hats. I don’t have a lot of hats, but one or the other of the few I do have are on my head during the winter. As a child, I didn’t want to go anyplace without my cowboy hat. Of course, my mother would not allow me to wear it to church or other functions. That went for my boots as well.
For years, as an adult, I had a knit black hat. I loved that hat. I couldn’t destroy it or crush it. My, at the time, young grandson absolutely loved that hat. After I entered the house, he reached up for my hat and played with it, and wore it during our visit. Eventually, that hat was no longer wearable. A friend did find me a similar hat that I wear though it is blue so doesn’t go with everything. Still, I am grateful for that hat. It is so easy to wear and comfortable.
My husband bought four hats that differ only in the color schemes. He looks great in them. When we visited our younger grandkids and their cousins, those kids reached for his hats. We have lots of pictures with them playing with and walking around with one or another of those hats falling over their eyes.
Keith and little Hannah played a game. One two three “go” and they switched hats, and again, and again. Hannah couldn’t stop laughing. Our youngest grandkids pick up the hats when they visit us here. Ellery over and over piled one after another on her head. Then started all over again.
Hats look good on our heads. They warm us in the winter. But the best has been the fun the kids have with them. It doesn’t take expensive toys to entertain kids. All it takes are hats. Now those make memories.
© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies
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