Mother’s Day, Father’s Day—Both important

We celebrate Mother's Day with lots of promotions to honor our moms with all sorts of gifts and recognition. The advertisements can be rather overboard because Mother's Day brings in big bucks for businesses.

Of course, we should honor our moms. I have no problem with that. I support honoring mothers. Most work hard, love their kids, and greatly sacrifice for their well-being.

Besides, I am a mom. Of course, I want to hear from my kids on Mother's Day. 2024, my daughter called in the morning before church. Their family celebrated on Saturday because their 7-year-old daughter, our granddaughter, was having medical procedures on Monday and wouldn't be eating from noon Mother's Day until her procedures were finished at noon Monday. Her mom, in solidarity, chose not to eat either. How can one not see the love and admire that sacrifice?

We'd gone to church. Keith brought in lunch, so I didn't have to cook or fight crowds — just relax. He knows I like hats. He bought me two.

My son called later that day. Our kids don't live in Kearney and have their own families. The calls were like bookends encapsulating a special day. In between, I received other greetings from those close to us.

Yes, Mother's Day was special. As it should be. But, shouldn't Father's Day be special as well? It takes both mothers and fathers to raise healthy, well-adjusted children. Yet fathers don't get the hoopla mothers receive.

They should. Without my father, I would be a very different person. I needed my father's strength and wisdom as well as my mother's. Advertisers don't seem to put too many of their advertising dollars or attention into Father's Day. We should. Fathers are critical. God created moms and dads as protection and provision for vulnerable children. Parents are far from perfect, but most do their best.

We celebrate Mother's Day. Let's also be sure to celebrate the Father in our lives who made a difference. So for Father's Day, visit, call, send a card, text.

Let him know you care. Let your parents know you are thankful and grateful for the life they gave you. Celebrations help us remember. Honor mothers and fathers not only on their special days, but also on every day of the year. Now is the time. Love them well, while they are still here.

© 2024 Carolyn R Scheidies Published Column Kearney Hub 5/30/2024

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