Life, love, perseverance, dinner

Ever since we were married a whole lot of years ago, we’ve tried to celebrate our monthly anniversary each second, usually, by going out to eat. We persevered through surgeries, births, growing children, work, and crazy schedules. Our children are grown and have their own children. They don’t live in Kearney. They as well as our close friends know the second of each month is special.

 May 2nd we were looking forward to going out to eat in the evening. We anticipated a normal day. Keith is retired. I still write, but I am not working as I once did with scheduling, marking, promotions, etc. 

 Our wonderful young lady who works so hard to clean our house was already scheduled for the morning. Slowly we’re going through all the closets and what a task that is. I have to be present when we do that task to say “save, move, or throw.” I anticipated that. What I didn’t anticipate was the action on my call. A week or so earlier, a friend and handyman was doing some work in our house, when he looked and suggested we might have a ceiling leak and to call a roofer to check.

 The week before had been busy so I didn’t call until the second—that day. Someone from the roofing company came not long after I called that morning. The quick response surprised me. Soon found out, that not only did we have a leak, but our roof also showed hail damage. I saw the pictures. That repair would get done, but first, the leak had to be stopped. The roofer got right on it.

 Our day turned out much busier than planned. Yet we still enjoyed going out that evening even though eating at a restaurant can be a challenge, especially for me. It helps to park close to the door. And, with my numerous allergies, it also helps to have food to eat that I don’t react negatively to.

 That evening the weather was clear with just a hint of chill. We were able to park right by the door. We didn’t have to wait, and we were shown to a booth only a few steps from the door. I was able to order milk with a scoop of ice cream and loaded mashed potatoes with bacon, cheese, and sour cream. No pepper (in lots of restaurants pepper is already added to the potatoes), no tomatoes, no gluten. I was good to go. 

 We relaxed and enjoyed our meal and our quiet time together. With my health issues throughout our marriage and Keith’s in the last years, along with other life issues, we have been through a lot. But through it all, we stuck together, fought, and talked things through, were and are blessed with a solid support system, and we’re each other’s best friend.

 Most of all we prayed together knowing all things are possible when we listen to and follow the one who loves us best—Jesus. After all, Jesus is the source of love. We seek to live that out with each other—including forgiving and asking for forgiveness when we fail. We remember the good times and make new memories each month as we still celebrate that special day so many years ago when we said, “I do.” before friends, family, and God--and celebrate the second of every month.

 © 2024 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published column Kearney Hub 5/16/2024

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