Have we forgotten the lessons & victims of WW2?
Auschwitz concentration camp
My father was a World War 2 veteran, and I listened to stories of all these men and women went through to protect America from evil, destructive philosophies and beliefs that are now, unfortunately, entrenched on our shores. They succeeded in liberating a whole race of victimized and brutalized persons.
Many Americans fought and many died to free and protect Jewish people from being eradicated as a race. Many Jews were tortured, starved, experimented on and murdered in horrific ways. America helped free Jewish persons and assisted as they returned to a land they’d lived in since Biblical times—Israel.
The Jews have been slaves in Egypt and later in Babylon, etc. They’ve lived under Roman rule and had to submit to other dictatorial regimes. But Jewish land has been their land time out of mind. It does not belong to anyone else, not Arabs or terrorists. Israel IS Palestine—whatever some try to claim.
Look at the map. Israel is a dot on a map surrounded by powerful countries whose citizens hate the Jewish people. Israel is a tiny parcel of land in the midst of huge, basically enemy, countries on all sides. Even worse, these countries, along with the UN, which mostly sides with the Arab countries, keep whittling away at the small parcel of ground Israel does have.
In WW 2 we protected and freed Jewish people from horrific conditions. Never again we said. Yet we have allowed our colleges and even our government to become bastions of hate-the-Jews rhetoric. We have taught our young people to hate anyone different, especially Christians and Jews.
Worse yet, this Administration has sent billions, yes billions, of dollars of our hard-earned money to terrorist groups as “humanitarian aid.” The terrorists use it to wage war on America and Israel. Where do you think the funds came from to attack Israel, an attack reminiscent of Nazis who attempted to wipe out this ancient race? Repeated rape. Forcing mothers to watch as Hamas sliced the heads off their babies, even shoving babies into ovens and turning them on. The acts of violence are too gruesome and graphic to even write about. And it hasn’t ended. Iran is directly waging war on Israel, pounding the country with explosives.
Further, the terrorists entrench themselves into schools and hospitals with no concern for their own people. They do so that when Israel defends itself by taking out these places from which Hamas reigns terror into Jewish houses and businesses, they can claim Jews deliberately kill the innocent.
Because Hamas and other terrorists hide behind civilians, Jewish soldiers have little choice if they are going to reach Hamas soldiers out to destroy their nation. (Not many living on the Gaza land are innocent. These people voted in the Hamas government, well-knowing who these terrorists were.)
Hamas and other terrorist groups pay families a pension when one of their members, even a child, murders a Jew by becoming a suicide bomber or in some other way. In school, too many Muslim children are taught to hate Jews. This is encouraged, not discouraged by the UN.
Violent terrorists are the very people many in the US and around the world are now supporting. Students and agitators are becoming more and more violent in their desire to destroy Jewish persons. Jews are no longer safe on many campuses or even on the streets of many cities.
We have not taught the last generation the truth about WW 2 or about concentration camps or that there really is evil. What is happening to the Jews today not only in Israel, but around the world and on college campuses, is anything but tolerance. It is unadulterated evil, and it touches our young people who’ve been taught lies and now support the very evil our fathers and mothers and grandparents conquered once upon a time.
It doesn’t help that our government seems more ready to support the evil perpetuated by Hamas than to protect the Jews on whom rockets are continually reigning down upon. Doesn’t help that most of the media reports are twisted to make out the Israelis fighting for their lives as the aggressors.
It is time we say no to even one more penny for the terrorists. It is time to stop forcing Israel, instead of the terrorists, to compromise just to get some lukewarm support from the current administration.
Time to support one of the few free countries in the world besides—if one can even say that anymore, America. Don’t be ignorant. Search for truth. Pray for the safety and protection of Jewish persons and support Israel. Pray we will return to a culture that protects the victims of terror, the preborn children, and the elderly, all of whom are under attack in our nation. Let us support life.
© 2024 Carolyn R Scheidies
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Google: This country received the name of Palestine, from the Philistines, who dwelt on the sea coast: it was called Judea, from Judah: and is termed “the Holy Land”, being the country where Jesus Christ was born, preached his holy doctrines, confirmed them by miracles, and laid down his life for mankind.