Blog Rain more enjoyable with gutters

I remember a time as a child when we lived in Siren, Wisconsin. We lived on a corner property in the parsonage on the same lot as the church. The large lawn faced the main highway north and south.

In the winter, snow piled deep. Late spring and summer brought rain. That day I was inside when I heard the patter of rain on the roof. I listened as I ran to a window.

Rain sprinkled the lawn with a gentle rain that drew me toward the door. Without asking permission, I slipped out the front door and danced barefoot on the lawn, arms extended enjoying the soft rain as it cooled my skin and upturned face. It didn’t seem all that long before Mom beckoned me inside, but I never forgot that afternoon in the rain.

But rain has not always been a friend. Cleaning our gutters was not easy and we looked into new gutters that were covered. As we talked to a salesman and our house was checked, it turned out the areas under some areas of the old gutters also needed repair or replacement.

With spring and summer rains on the way, we ordered the repairs and the whole gutter system. Only installation got delayed with the rise in prices of lumber and elements. That we understood. Over two months later we were notified all the parts were in and a crew would be out to take down the gutters and restore the parts, like fascia, that needed work.

The crew worked hard and in a couple of days they wrapped up. “Someone will call on Monday”, we were told, “to schedule the gutter installation.” That call never came. Days and weeks went by. I called this alphabet company only to be informed that a different crew put in the gutters and all their parts had not arrived. We’d been told everything was in. Not true.

Now what were we to do? We had no gutters. Then came the rain, often in sheets battering against the roof. I envisioned roof damage. The storms continued and I cringed every time it thundered.

I began to call, often once a week. I got excuses. Two months of rainstorms and no gutters. This was not OK, but the company wasn’t listening. Finally, my daughter asked me to send our contract to her which I did. She called the company. I don’t what she said, but at eight the next morning the doorbell rang. The gutter installers were there and ready to go.

Before noon our new gutter system was installed. I wanted to cry with relief. Now when it rains, I give thanks for our gutters that seem to be working fine. The company wanted names of friends to contact. I threw away the form. They send a Husker license plate with their name on it. My husband threw it away.

Even the Bible says not to start a house (or any project) unless you first count the cost or, in our case, have all the pieces parts to complete it. This company needs to take that to heart. Don’t leave a customer without gutters for two months.

I am thankful the work they did was good, thankful for our gutters and thankful our roof wasn’t damaged by the storms. Most of all, when I needed one, an advocate stepped forward.

We like to be independent, but sometimes we all need an advocate to help us. Sometimes we can be an advocate for someone in need. It’s something to think about.

© 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published as a Kearney Hub column 9/13/2021
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