Blog Bio Seasons, Life and Attitude

Didn’t the year 2022 just begin? What whirlwind happened to send us into the future at such a dizzying pace? A day might seem to go on forever at times until you blink and the day, a week, a month has whipped by.

Winter, Spring, and Summer three seasons disappeared into the past. We held celebrations of birthdays and graduations, had a Scheidies family gathering, and much more. Our youngest granddaughter had her first dance recital. To which, of course, both sets of grandparents came to town to attend, converging from Kearney and Minnesota on Papillon. My husband Keith celebrated his 70th birthday with family and friends. Our oldest granddaughter graduated from high school so, of course, we had to celebrate that milestone.

I look back at days of sunshine and storms. Days when I got things done and days when one thing after another interfered with my schedule, leaving me frustrated, and wondering where all the time went. The cold of winter finally eased into the panting heat of summer. Short sleeves helped cool us off. Yesterday I realized we are, already it seems, heading into fall and winter. I woke up cold. The weather reported temperatures in the 70s, but not until late afternoon.

No, the morning was in the 50s and 60s, when, as I pointed out to my husband, we’d be going to church. No short sleeves for me. Brr. I wore a warmer long sleeve turtleneck covered with a flannel vest. I was still cold. Before going out I added a jacket and kept it on all during church. The year is moving on and at warp speed. I cannot stop time or the clock. We were young not so long ago. Now we are old. We had energy to burn, but not so much now. Much has changed.

However fast or slow life happens, I can still meet each day with gratitude. I can count my blessings. From this vantage point, I realize how even difficult circumstances helped me become who I am and were the foundation for many blessings I enjoy today.

My life is centered not on the passing of seasons, years, or time, but on a faith that guides my todays and my tomorrows. Whatever the date on the calendar, I rise with a verse on my tongue, “This is the day the Lord has made, we (I) will rejoice and be glad in it.” —Psalms 118:24 NKJV

An attitude of gratitude makes all the difference.

(c) 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies

Kearney Hub Column Published 9/20/2022

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