Blog Bio Adulthood definitely not what I thought it would be

As a child, I believed adulthood meant security and doing what I wanted to do. It was better than having to be told what to do all the time. That viewpoint was skewed since my parents treated my siblings and me with respect, never laughing and making fun at our expense. They shared their faith through reading God’s Word, prayer and their daily lives.

We also had consequences for things we did that we shouldn’t have said or done. I saw consequences, and learning from mistakes, as part of childhood. It was learning to be responsible as well as learning to treat others with kindness and respect. Love, respect and kindness were part of our faith.

Jesus created and loved me just as I was, but making wrong choices, hurting myself or others in some way, brought consequences. I learned about someone who loved me even more than my dad. Jesus loved me enough to take the consequences for my bad choices.

I wanted to accept Him into my life. That too, I figured, was growing--learning how to live and love like Jesus. I knew I needed to learn a whole lot to make that happen, considering I was a scrapper who gave as much as I got on and off the playground.

One day the learning stage would be over. I’d be an adult and no one would tell me what to do. Then I got so sick I ended up in a wheelchair I was unable to wheel myself. My future seemed a black hole of pain. Only my folks kept telling me God loved me and had a plan and purpose for my life.

I hung onto those words and kept fighting during my teen years. I fought to be as independent as possible. Eventually, that led to massive surgery once I graduated from college, braces, crutches and a year of relearning how to walk. It meant continued surgeries to keep walking as I married and we raised our family. My life was anything but simple or static.

Growing up wasn’t something one simply attained. It was using experiences to deal with real life. I looked back and was thankful. God had given me so much, especially in good loving friends and family. Adulthood wasn’t security. At any stage of life, there are no guarantees.

I realized problems faced mattered less, than how I dealt with them. Attitude matters. Choices matter. I realized my parents and others in my life modeled something very important--lifting up instead of tearing down, reaching out instead of wallowing in anger, selfishness or pride. It was taking my faith and, as did my parents, living it out in my daily life.

My idea of adulthood was far from realistic. Yet how many dream of some ideal life rather than living each day to its fullest? At my stage in life, I look back, realizing what I’ve gone through isn’t some tragedy.

All I’ve experienced has helped me become the person I am today. Adulthood doesn’t stand alone. We are the sum of our past. Our choices make the difference in how we see not only the past, but today, tomorrow and beyond.

I look back and am grateful and look forward with anticipation knowing my faith will sustain me.

Life is waiting. What choices will you make today?

© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies
Hub Column 02/14/2022
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