Poetry His Special Gift
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
It’s all a gift, all that I have
However I strive to earn or get
If I am honest,
So much is not me at all
Some call it Good Fortune, Luck, Serendipity
Not willing to face the truth
Of a God interactive in time and space…and in our lives
Who loved enough to come and live and die,
Loved enough to sacrifice His life
For yours and mine and why?
That we might see our need and come to Him
Acknowledging what we hate to admit…our sin
We’ve goofed up more than lifted up
Hurt more than helped
We’d rather pretend self-confidence
Boasting of self-esteem on ephemeral things
Rather than basic truth—God exists
He loves us
He died for rebellion, mistakes and sin,
He conquered death, that you and I might live
Asks in exchange for comfort, peace and hope,
My trust, my will—so hard to give up,
But as I choose to do just that,
My Savior Jesus Christ
Turns luck into blessings,
Pain into promise,
And fortune into a sure future with Him
For Jesus offers forgiveness and salvation
Fills our hearts with compassion and caring,
And the realization that it isn’t my striving,
But His love that rescues me—freely given
All a gift
Because of His love.
I bow.
(C) 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
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Poetry Come without Rash Words
Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and you upon earth: therefore let your words be few. Ecclesiastes 5:2
May the words of my mouth
Be a bouquet of truth and right
That all might know Jesus’ heart of
Hope, and
Come to His Holy Light.
(C) 2016 Carolyn R Scheidies
From Journey of Faith
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Print and Kindle versions (No hardcover)
Poetry Devotion— How to Gain Discernment
And this I pray, that your love may aboundyet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;That you may approve things that are excellent;that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness,which are by Jesus Christ,unto the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11
In this day of compromise,
Help me discern wrong from right.
Keep me open that I might learn,
Issues and standards on which I must stand firm—
Help me research and do my part
To uncover falsehood and fraud,
Encouraging others to follow
the rule of righteous law.
Help me, Lord, know truth from lies, and then,
Give me strength to stand forthright and strong.
C) 2016, 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
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From Journey of Faith
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