devotions devotions

Devotion Show Forth His Salvation—Being a Witness?

Read: Matthew 28:19-20
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.-

—-Romans 1:16

In a culture that discourages Christians and their point of view in public forums, it can be frightening to consider sharing the gospel. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus asks of us.

If we truly believe that Jesus came to bring salvation and new life, how can we rationalize not sharing His message of forgiveness and hope? How can we share without getting into trouble, without embarrassment, without getting harassed? Maybe you can’t.

God didn’t say, “Share my message quietly so you won’t have any repercussions.”

God didn’t say, “Ah, if you are going to have problems or lose friends, you don’t have to witness to others.”

God didn’t say, “Sure, I know it is tough. I’ll excuse you from following my express words of drawing others to me.”

Nope! If we truly believe that those without God are going to hell, then we need to figure out how to speak up. Do I love members of my family, friends, and co-workers enough to tell them about Jesus? If not, the question becomes, “Do I really care about them?”

How do I share? By being a friend. By reaching out to help in time of need. By praying for, and with, others. By knowing basic verses of salvation such as Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8 and John 3:16- 17. By taking opportunities presented to share about Jesus who loves and cares and helps in time of need.

Do I, as Psalm 96:2 states, “Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.”?

Help me, Lord, have the courage to share Your message of truth with those around me. Help me do so in Your will and Your way. Amen.

Monday: Psalm 98
Tuesday: Psalm 1
Wednesday: Romans 1:16-20
Thursday: Mark 8:31-38
Friday: Psalm 40
Saturday: Luke 15:1-10

(C) 2018,2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
From Listen! Who Me?
Print and Kindle versions
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poetry poetry

Poetry The Blessing of Grandchildren

They fill my life
With exhaustion and energy,
Antics and anxiety.
(What will they try next?)
And with miles and miles
of hugs and smiles.
And lessons learned
Usually on the fly,
Me, as much as, or more
Than they.
I am filled with a satisfaction
wide and deep,
From simply being
in their presence,
Finding opportunities to share Jesus
Sharing a laugh, a hug,a knowing smile.
Receiving back so very much
Love and joy and more
The very love of Christ
From the heart of
(C) 2020 Carolyn R Scheidies
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devotions devotions

Devotion Afraid to Share Your Faith?


Psalms 96:2 (ESV)2 Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.

How often do we share our faith and God’s Good News with those with whom we have contact? Why or why not? Embarrassment? Fear? Lack of confidence?

Do we really believe the simple message that Jesus gives life and hope and peace to those who come to Him?  Do we believe without Christ we perish, that we need Jesus?

Actions follow beliefs or we don’t truly believe. Who needs to know God’s love today?

Help me Jesus not be afraid to share You with family, friends, co-workers and those who need to know your salvation, comfort, hope, and peace. Amen.

By Carolyn R Scheidies
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