devotions devotions

Devotions Don’t Let fear Keep You From Sharing God’s Good News

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

As Jim stepped into the backyard, he noticed his neighbor Dave muttering as he bent over his lawn mower. "Need a hand?"

Dave glanced up, the frown on his face forbidding. "Blasted machine! Wouldn't you know the warranty just expired."

Opening the gate between their yards, Jim took a look. "I've had experience with this brand."

As they began to work on the machine, Dave opened up about a problem in his life. Jim thought, I know Christ would help, but...I don't want him to think I'm weird." He said nothing.

Six months later Dave divorced his wife, sold the house and moved away. Jim lost his opportunity to make a difference in Dave's life. We have become so sensitive to what others think of us, so used to focusing on how we feel, how others might view us, that we lose what life is all about.

As Rick Warren says in the Purpose Driven Life, "It's not about me!"

God promises provision and protection. He has a host of promises He wants to fulfill in our lives--if we focus, not on what others think, not on our feelings, but on Jesus Christ. He asks us to be other centered, thinking how we might help others. For we are safe only in Christ.

Maybe Dave would have thought Jim strange. But just maybe a word from Jim might have planted a seed that would have turned Dave's life around.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for the many times I have let what others think keep me from standing up for you and being a witness of your grace. Please help me focus not on fear, but to stand on my faith. Amen.

© 2004, 2020 Carolyn R. Scheidies

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