Is it really climate change or a fear-mongering scam?

I remember back when I was growing up, newspapers splashed headlines claiming the earth’s temperature was changing. Some scientists decided that the ice caps were expanding. The earth, they told us, was growing colder. Of course, the media jumped on the bandwagon. Those of us who were there know scientists and the media touted this new trend.

Though now, many, including Google, seek to blame it on a single article whose author claimed undisputed sources. The author and the scientific community are now backtracking on the whole idea. Yet, I lived through the hype, the “news” and the scare. I never even read the one article the media sources now blame.

 Scientists who disagreed were looked on with disfavor. Americans began to fear as they looked ahead and lost hope. After all, we were all going to end up as popsicles.

 Then. Scientific opinion began to turn from freeze to fry. Oh no, said these scientists, the earth wasn’t getting colder, it was getting warmer. The ice caps were actually melting. They put together data and forecasts based on both observations and assumptions to “prove” the exact opposite of what they’d been claiming just a few years earlier. Some data supported this claim. Some did not and some data was not well done from either point of view.

 The media grabbed hold of the Global Warming idea. Novels followed the trend. We’d never be able to be out in the sun without burning to a crisp. This was heralded as accepted science. Perish the person or scientific researcher who disagreed, many did. The establishment did their best to discredit them—then and now.

 Somehow this explanation didn’t always fit either. Today it’s all about climate change. Too cold. It’s Climate Change. Too hot. It’s Climate Change. No matter what the weather does, those on this bandwagon of our future can’t lose. They claim all good scientists agree with their point of view. They pretend no good scientist might have differing results and data, Scientists who disagree must be squashed. Don’t the models prove their point? Not really.

 What these scientists also fail to mention is a truth they know quite well. The earth’s environment, atmosphere, and weather have always been in one cycle or another. Despite what environmentalists claim, human activity often had very little to do with these overall cycles. Many cycles have taken place when earth was sparsely populated. Many efforts today to switch to so-called environmentally friendly resources do not yield positive results.

 There are warming and cooling trends that may last hundreds of years. Almost too long for scientists to acknowledge or follow. Still, they prefer being the prognosticators of disasters caused, of course, by you and me. Real science doesn’t change with the wind, popular opinion, or current trends. Real science doesn’t silence dissenting voices. Real science seeks truth, not assumptions.

The one thing you can be assured of where scientists are concerned is that their findings will change as they study, and learn, though some will simply go with the politically correct ideas that buy research grants and high-paying positions. Unfortunately, some of these paths do not lead to truth, simply more assumptions.

 True science assesses all data, not only what fits a preconceived notion, Honorable scientists, and there are honorable scientists, are careful about jumping to conclusions and making assumptions, knowing all the data gathered is never complete. Don’t automatically buy into the latest pronouncements from scientists or the media whose stories may heighten the fear factor.

Do your own research. Use common sense and keep in mind, even the best scientists have agendas and biases. Even ethical scientists make mistakes—often big ones. (Just like we do.)

 Be cautious of the so-called science-of-the-season. Instead, live your best life now. It’s the only one you have. Live it with reason, common sense, and without fear. Besides, whatever the scientists claim whether correct or not, God’s got this. We are safe within His hands.

 © 2024 Carolyn R Scheidies

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 Climate models

Does anyone out there think we’re at the dawn of a new ice age?

If we had asked that question just 40 years ago, an astonishing number of people — including some climatologists — would have answered yes. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek published a provocative article, “The Cooling World,” in which writer and science editor Peter Gwynne described a significant chilling of the world’s climate, with evidence accumulating “so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.”


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