Easter & The beauty and importance of life

Now that we’ve had a taste of snow and ice, many of my Facebook friends are counting down the days until spring. We need snow to melt in order to provide moisture for the ground, and we’re seriously lacking enough. Still, other than enjoying snow and ice for making snow people and snow angels, sledding and skating, most of us prefer sunny skies and warm breezes.

All that comes with Spring, at least, once Winter lets go of its grip that has been known to hold on even into April. Winter seems gloomy, and dark and reminds us of death. Spring is the exact opposite.

Spring is all about new life. Trees bud into bushy leaves. Flowers burst forth into a concert of aromas and colors that can’t help but bring a smile and a deep breath of appreciation. Green grass pokes out of the uninspiring brown ground of the dormant lawn. Yellow Dandelions also make an appearance adding color.

Of course, most of us don’t appreciate these bright flowers, because we’ve lost the knowledge that almost every part of this plant is good to eat, for tea and for healthy living. We just don’t want them in our yards.

Spring is about life. Plants springing forth from seeds or pods, etc. that looked dead and like nothing. Yet abundant life bursts from these dormant beginnings. Life is so beautiful and so precious.

Is it any wonder we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Spring? He was born with only his earthly parents and stable animals as witnesses. He grew into a man who cared about his creation, men and women who were hurting and lost.

Because he was God come to earth to live like you and me, he could hold, touch, hug. He could identify with those who suffered, who had needs. He reached out to share God’s truth and backed up his caring with a healing touch. The religious leaders of the day saw it as undermining their power and prestige as Jesus wasn’t afraid to call them out for caring more for their status than the very real needs of the people.

For being and doing good, they with the assistance of the Roman overlords crucified Him on a cross—an agonizing way to die. Jesus submitted to that torture and death. What his enemies didn’t realize is that Jesus actually came to die. We humans make a mess of our lives. There are consequences for our failures and bad choices. Someone has to pay for our messes. Jesus did that when he submitted to death on the cross.

Though he was fully man, he was also fully God. He took our punishment and then did what only he could do. He conquered death. He didn’t stay in that grave. He lived then and He lives today. He is near and desires to save, set us free and give us peace and hope and life here and forever.

Like Spring plants as we come to follow Him, he helps us bloom and become all we are meant to be. He offers a gift. All we have to do is accept it. Will you accept His gift of freedom, hope and love today, tomorrow or as we celebrate His resurrection this Easter?

(c) 2024 Carolyn R Scheidies
Published Kearney Hub 3/17/2023
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