Making memories with grandkids

We used to love visiting our daughter Cassie and family in the Omaha area. We were there when their first child Ellery, now in school, was born. We hurried to Omaha when Kurt called saying their second child was on the way since we had been asked to take care of Ellery while Kurt stayed with Cassie. It was dark by the time we arrived, but Kurt let us in and then left. Many other times we visited for birthdays, celebrations or to babysit.

 Another blessing from visiting often was also spending time with our son and his children, our grandkids, who were already teenagers at the time. Usually on the way home from Omaha, we’d agree to meet at a restaurant in Lincoln where they live, to eat and hang out. We’d be together for a couple of hours or more talking, laughing, discussing, and enjoying each other’s company.

 For a while, we were heading east almost once a month. Covid stopped those trips. Not seeing our grandkids was hard. No technology is as good as face-to-face, though I was very thankful for phone service, email, Facetime and Zoom. Our daughter Cassie’s kids, as young as they were, would want to see and speak with Gramma and Grampa and ask for Facetime.

 Even after the Covid crisis, we aren’t visiting as much. Our health isn’t as good. Cassie and family started making more trips to Kearney instead of us going to visit them. We can handle that. Cassie has come alone, with the kids and with Kurt, too, now that he is retired from the Navy. Chris also stops in to visit.

 Ellery and Zeke love going to the splash pad and playground equipment across the street from our home at Collins Park. Cassie and Kurt have taken the kids to the Harmon Park rock garden and the lighthouse. Ellery and Zeke loved the rock garden. Sometimes we in Kearney forget how much Kearney has to offer. I am glad our younger grandkids get to know Kearney.

 When our son Chris’s children Devon, Dane & Tori (now young adults) were younger, they’d stay with us for a week or so each summer. They got to know Kearney, too, as we picnicked at Yanney Park and the kids got soaked playing on the splash pad. We took them to the Arch where they went through the maze. We also took them to the Nature Barn where they saw, petted, held, fed and even mingled with the animals.

 Now our younger grandkids are learning about the town their mom and uncle called home. I miss spending time at Cassie and Kurt’s home, but am thankful they can come here, spend time with us and get to enjoy some of the fun things Kearney offers. I hope after they grow up, they’ll have good memories of visiting.

 Maybe they’ll miss these days. Our son’s daughter Tori once sighed. “I miss those days when we stayed with you in Kearney.” She’s 19. I miss those days as well, but glad she and her brothers hold good memories. I hope Ellery and Zeke will someday have such memories as well.

 I am also glad that on one of Cassie’s last visits to us with the kids, she also picked up Tori in Lincoln. What a blessing to have three of our five grandkids visit. I hope for more of these visits.

 I am thankful for what Kearney has and enjoy sharing with family and friends. Thankful also for children and grandchildren who want to visit.

© 2023 Carolyn R Scheidies

Column publish Kearney Hub 10/19//23
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