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Poetry Devotion Sadly Crying in the Rain—Heart Sorrows

O Lord my God, I cried unto You, and You have healed me. —Psalm 30:2

Sadly crying in the rain,
Despairing from the sorrows of a heart in pain,
Sunshine then doesn't seem the same,
Though whole the body, the spirit's lame.

Inner being--twisting strange.
The wretched mind--resisting change,
Preferring to wallow in the sorrow,
Refusing hope for a bright tomorrow.

Sorrow may be but for a moment,
Gone as the crisis is spent,
The future beckons like a beacon of light,
Leading from chaos and dismal night.

Healing tears wash away the pain,
Forgiveness unlocks the despair chain,
Inner strength, compassion gain,
Freed to live for Christ again.

No matter how bad things may seem, Lord, help me to trust You for today and to look forward to tomorrow with renewed hope. Amen.

(C) 2016 Carolyn R Scheidies
From Journey of Faith
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