poetry poetry

Poetry Let it Slide

Easy to let things slide,
Grab the time for me
Today I’ll skip my time with God,
No big deal, right?
One day I won’t take time to read His Word
Or pray

Today I’ll hurry to work
Rush off without hugs goodbye
Today I’ll focus on ME
Who are “They” to tell me what to do?

Yet, I grind my teeth when the car ahead stalls
Tense when a colleague tells the same worn-out joke—
For the thousandth time
Work without rest or lunch

Home again with excuse, “Sorry kids, spouse, too tired for
A hug, or a moment of time, or even a smile,
Go play, go to the kitchen, go to your room…go away!

Lord why do I feel so defeated?
Now my spouse is angry and upset,
My kids too quiet and hurt

Surely I have time for only me, true and yet
There are others to consider
I’ve had no peace today
Maybe tomorrow, Lord,
I’ll start my day with You.

(C) 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
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Devotion Who is Number One in My Life?

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.--Philippians 2:3-4 (KJV) Read 2:1-11.

Radical words for today’s society. Radical words for a culture in which advertisers seek to twist, omit, imply or anything else in order to get us to purchase their product. The media is not much different, adding pure falsehoods to the mix. We live in a culture in which “self” reigns as supreme and the universe revolves around the repeated statement “me first.”

This self-centered philosophy finds its way into every aspect of society. “I’m not happy with my spouse. Time to move on. My spouse and kids will adjust.”

“I hate my job. I do as little as possible at work. Who cares what this will cost the employer.” The pain of a discarded mate, the rippling apart of children’s lives hardly merits a second thought.

All is rationalized with “They are better off with one parent than with two parents who don’t want to be there anymore.” Closer to home, a mother heads off to work, not out of necessity, not because she feels God call on her life in this regard, but to “expand horizons,” or to afford that larger house, car or vacations. The need for a child to have a parent at home is sacrificed to more “things” and “wants.”

How does this verse affect me? How about those times I have to finish this task or that one instead of spending time with my child who tries to get my attention? Do we spend time reading and cuddling our little ones and talking to and doing things with our older kids? Our grandkids?

What about getting so busy with good things in the community or at church that I neglect my spouse and family? What about church? Do I say no to teaching or helping in Sunday School because God said “Not now,” or because I didn’t want to take the time?

It is easy to point fingers at and judge others for their selfishness and greed. When I do that, I need to look at how many fingers are pointed right back at myself.

Help me, Lord, give you first place in my life by loving You and others with my heart, my attention, and my time--starting with my spouse and family. Amen.

Monday: Numbers 23:19-20
Tuesday: Luke 12:15, 22-32
Wednesday: Romans 13
Thursday: Ephesians 5:21-33
Friday: Ephesians 6:1-10
Saturday: Philippians 1:9-11

(C) 2018, 2021 Carolyn R Scheidies
From Listen! Who Me?
Print and Kindle versions
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