Poetry He Gave Me Hope

He gave me hope
When darkness clouded mind and soul
When pain beyond reason
Clutched and tore the fabric of my insular world
Left me bleeding from every
Physical and emotional pore.

He offered life
When my own ebbed and I
Wished only for the end
Yet, I clung to that nameless something
Implanted deep within
This cannot be all there is!

His gentle voice called, comforted, cared
Even in my rebellion,
Even in my indifference,
Even in my anger
He showed me sacrifice
Someone even dared to die—for me!

Love held Jesus to that cross
God became man—lived, died.
Rose again—for me, for my pain
For my anguished cries
Of heart and soul and mind.

Jesus offered forgiveness, life, hope
He stretched out His hand
My choice. And I, in dread anticipation,
Clasped His palm--Found Him.

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. —Psalm 119:114 KJV

(C) 2018  Carolyn R Scheidies
From God’s Love Letter to you
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