Blog Ugh! DST

I really do not look forward to Daylight savings Time (DST). It is humans seeking to change the natural order of time to suit the perceived wants of some. Whatever the truth, I remember as a kid learning about this change in time in the spring.

I heard that DST was passed to give wealthy golfers more time to play golf in the daylight. Now, I realize this was probably a sarcastic viewpoint. But I understand the sentiment.

We lived in Wisconsin when I became aware of DST. Wisconsin is the dairy state with herds and herds of dairy cows. From time to time, I had the privilege of staying with an aunt who lived on a very small farm. She milked several cows. Those cows had a milking schedule.

When their udders were heavy with milk, they were anxious to enter the barn where my aunt milked them. At times, I even got to holler at them to come—and they came.

DST meant twice a year, herds and herds of Wisconsin milk-ready cows had to be milked an hour earlier or later, depending on the time of year. Like that was going to happen. Instead, it was the farmer who had to completely change his/her schedule to match a nature-bending schedule.

We’ve grown up with DST. Other than when we must change the clocks Spring or Fall, most of us groan, lose sleep, get a bit confused and simply grumble. I wish DST would disappear.

But in light of all the other serious situations we’ve been facing, DST is down the list. Meanwhile, I’ll suck in a breath and hope my aging body and mind will adjust once again. Welcome to DST.

© 2022 Carolyn R Scheidies
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